Roman Kushnarenko
LinkedInOpen Source
android-storage Java Create, read, delete, append, encrypt files and more, on internal or external disk spaces with a really simple API.900 200
850 350
memory-game Java Simple and beautiful memory game for kids. The best part of this open source, is that many developers around the world reached out and asked to use this source so they can ship their own memory game flavor based on this code.550 350
go-gitter Go Gitter API library in Go. Whoever wanted to create an intergration with Gitter could use this library. This library is integrated in one of the popular open source projects beehive.50 10
100 15
290 100
easy-content-providers Java Easy integration with Android's built-in and custom content providers data. The nice part of this project was to enhance Facebook Stetho library by submitting and landing a pull request.350 80
• US20140122419A1 -
Method and system to promote database cost savings
• Scaling Continuous Delivery -
Fully automated release for Facebook Lite
Blog Posts
• Run lint and test checks of Android
builds from Jenkins
• Build by types and sign Android app from
• Setup and build Android app from Jenkins
• Running Android UI tests - Part 2
• Running Android UI tests - Part 1
• SSL for my site with Let's Encrypt
• Clear Android notifications using
• Migrate GAE Datastore to SQL using Golang

Memory Game
A game initially created for my children and later open sources.

Green MDM
Demo app for Android developed on top of SAP HANA. Presented at SAP DKOM 2012 event. Patented.

IE Curriculum
Curriculum builder that was created for IE faculty at Technion and was used for several years.

Pregnancy apps and bots
Pregnancy Android apps that reached more than 500K downloads. And, Slack bot just for fun.

Automated CI
Build workflow out of building blocks to customise and automate CI (Continuous Integration) process.